type of Acne

What is known as acne actually has several different types. Everyone has some kind of acne that sometimes is not the same and has its own characteristics.

As reported symptomfind.com, Tuesday (08/11/2014), here are some of the most common forms of acne seen.

Open comedones (blackheads)

Open comedones, or more commonly known as blackheads caused by clogged pores partially or kelenjarkeringat that produce excessive oil accumulation. Usually, bacteria, dead skin cells and keratin are often trapped in these pores. Mixture of sebum plugs or exposed to oxidation due to air and darkens.

His physical appearance is often characterized by black or dark yellow bumps on the skin. Once issued, the sebum that clogs golden brown. Open comedones usually does not cause inflammation and most often appear on the nose and buttocks.

Closed comedones (Whitehead)

Closed comedones are the result of clogged pores or sweat glands with accumulation of excess oil, bacteria, dead skin cells and keratin. The composition of the mixture of substances penyumbatnya same as open comedones. Because whiteheads do not have a gap, then a mixture of sebum is not exposed to air and oxidized. The color is still white, but sometimes yellowish.

His physical appearance is characterized as small white bumps. Closed comedones also usually not accompanied by inflammation. Whiteheads can appear anywhere on the skin.

Papules (red lumps)

Papules have a characteristic red bumps, slightly inflamed, but do not have the pinnacle because not filled with pus. Blackheads are not treated can degenerate into papules when an infected gland wall erupted, allowing a mixture of sebum and bacteria penetrate the surrounding skin. When the white blood cells into the gland which erupted to fight infection, inflammation occurs. If left untreated, may worsen into pustules papules.

Pustules (Red Bumps With White Peak)

When papules untreated for several days, the accumulation of white blood cells gradually move to the skin surface. Pustules have characteristics have stains on the edges, reddish and inflamed middle yellowish or white. Pustules actually is a standard of the term acne that many people mentioned.

Nodules and Cysts

We recommend that you do not squeeze and squeeze blemishes because improper care can lead to a deeper and wider infection, can also cause prolonged skin inflammation and scarring that is difficult to remove. If left untreated, acne nodules and cysts can form again in the same place. Skin should immediately see your doctor.

Severe acne are rare, but can cause serious scars on the skin. Two common types of severe acne include:

acne Conglobata

Acne conglobata is more common in males than in females at age 18-30 years. His physical appearance is often characterized by inflamed bumps, large, interlocking and remain active for years. Acne is most commonly found on the face, chest, back, buttocks, upper arms and thighs.

This condition usually begins with blackheads which aggravates into acne nodules and cysts. Nodules and cysts are then able to continue to rupture and connected so as to create a recurring lesions. If left untreated, acne conglobata can cause skin damage that can not be eliminated.

acne fulminans

Acne fulminans is also known as acute ulcerative acne and acne conglobata occur if treatment is not successful. Affected individuals will experience pain and inflammation in the joints coupled with skin problems from acne conglobata. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, extreme weight loss and muscle stiffness can occur.

At this point, it is important to seek medical treatment, maybe even needs the hospitalization. Acne fulminans is also regarded as a disease that is triggered by the immune system disorders.