How to Eliminate acne with a carrots

Eliminate acne with a carrots could be an alternative for a friend to all who are looking for tips to help solve the problem of acne. Carrots are orange-colored fruit. Flower stems grow about 1 m tall, with white flowers. Carrots are one of the plants that contain large amounts of vitamin A is good for eye health. Regularly eating carrots good for eyesight health. But you know that the benefits of carrots is not just for consumption. But carrots are also good to use untukmengatasi acne problems. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and beta carotene. Both of these substances are very helpful in preventing acne. Acne arising in our face can be caused by many factors. For example, the presence of dead skin cells on the face, the buildup of dust and pollution, as well as the oil clogging the pores of our skin oil produced by the sebaceous oil glands in our skin naturally which then becomes a breeding ground for the bacteria that cause acne.

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una, or forgery by rogue elements who are not responsible. Worse yet the ingredients to make the drug clone cleaners often use hazardous materials and dakam long-term use can cause serious problems such as skin cancer.

One alternative way to remove acne that you can try is using a carrot. You can apply a carrot in the form of carrot mask for you to use as a mask on your face. Here's how to make carrot mask:
Mash the carrots until smooth
Mix the carrots finely with 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon olive oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice
Do not forget to clean your face with warm water first
then apply to your face mask carrots.
Let stand for 15 minutes and wash.
The use of masks carrots can also help to prevent acne grow diwajah us.