how to remove acne scars with lemon

How to remove acne with lemon can be an alternative bagia you who have problems with acne. There are so many ways that we can use to get rid of acne on the face. There are tips that use chemicals, cosmetics, and some are using natural ingredients to get rid of acne and acne scars. One way to get rid of acne naturally is the famous removal tips acne with lemon. Surely you are wondering why the lemon can be used to get rid of acne ?

As we know that Lemon has Vitamin C in high doses that can help clean the dead skin cells that accumulate on the face. Besides lemon also has long been known to help cleanse the skin of excess oil. And did you know that excess oil is one of the factors of acne.

Then how treatment using lemon to get rid of acne? You can try the following tips.

Using a mixture of lemon and honey to remove acne.

What should you do?
Prepare 1 teaspoon lemon juice and mix with one teaspoon of honey.
Stir until blended.
After the average spread to the face and then let sit for 30 minutes or until it dries up.
  Once dry wipe with a towel that has been moistened with cold water.

Do this treatment consistently in order to obtain more optimal results. If this method is less successful for you, there are very many other tips to remove acne using natural ingredients that you can try. Why natural materials? because it does not cause side effects and safety. You can try other tips include