How to cure cystic acne with natural ingredients

Acne is a problem that faces are often confronted with. Almost anyone who has ever had acne. Acne commonly occurs when a person experiences during adolescence or puberty is a period where hormonal changes occur on a large scale. Do you remember when it first appeared the face of your acne?

Acne can be divided into two types, namely ordinary acne and cystic acne. common acne is acne that is small, whereas the cystic acne has a larger size. Often the cause cystic acne swelling and if not addressed will cause acne scars that interfere with the beauty of your face.

How to cure cystic acne with natural ingredients

Factors that cause the appearance of acne Stone
Various factors could cause cystic acne appears as heredity or genetic imbalance hormonal changes, medications, stress conditions, including the use of oil-based cosmetics, facial cleansers excessive use, pollution and dust from the environment because the workspace outdoors.

Just like regular acne, facial treatments we can also apply to eliminate cystic acne. With treatment, cystic acne is expected to be removed and not cause acne scars. Various treatments for facial acne stone is very easy to find, let alone use google. One of them uses natural ingredients that are safer without the side effects. Here are some tips to cure cystic acne with natural ingredients.

Eliminate Acne with Potato Stone.
Potatoes contain alkaline which can help break down the oils are clogged in the pores of the skin. Potatoes can be used for a natural treatment by slicing a raw potato in half and rub the juice on the affected area. Leave for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

Eliminate Acne with egg white stone.
Egg whites are known to be very effective as a natural solution. Apply egg white mixed with a few drops of honey to reduce acne and also soothe the affected area.

Eliminate Acne with Honey and Turmeric Stone.
Apply the mixture of honey and turmeric along with some lime juice is a good way to treat adult cystic acne. This helps to reduce inflammation and also has a calming effect on the skin. It can be said honey and turmeric is a traditional medicine cystic acne is quite powerful.

Apparently ingredients such as honey, egg whites, potatoes useful to eliminate cystic acne. Do it regularly for optimum results.