How to Whiten Faces Using Olive Oil

The main ingredient in cosmetics since ancient times. Olive oil on face rarely cause reactions.

Not infrequently, for the world of olive oil is used to whiten the face of beauty naturally. Olive oil is also believed to moisturize, soften, and exfoliate dead skin. Here's how to whiten your face with olive oil

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Olive Oil

1. Combine vinegar, water and olive oil in the ratio of 1: 1: 2. The mixture will make a useful night cream to soften the face and flatten / balance your skin tone.

2. Dampen your face with water and massage olive oil into your face. Put a small amount of sugar in the palm of your hand. Rub the sugar into teroles olive oil on your face. Rinse until all the sugar granules disappear. It aims to slough off dead skin cells, dry skin cells and make your face radiant and healthy natural glow.

3. Apply a small amount of olive oil on your lips to reduce or prevent chapped lips.

4. Pour the olive oil on cotton balls to clean the eye makeup, such as removing waterproof mascara that is difficult to remove when rinsed with water alone. If you use contact lenses, then remove contact lenses before the eyes of the olive oil to sweep around your eyes.

5. Massage olive oil on the fine lines or wrinkles on the face, focus on any dry areas. Olive oil will moisturize and help improve your overall appearance.

Information on how to whiten your face with olive oil already know. Now it's your turn to apply in rmah regularly. Good luck