how to remove acne scars with cucumber

Aside from being a food, it turns out cucumber has many benefits for our bodies. Among them is to prevent cancer, control blood pressure so it is good for people with high blood pressure, can help remove toxins from the body, and the latter as a remedy to remove acne scars naturally.

One of the properties of cucumber for acne is to have cold properties in the skin. This helps reduce inflamed red pimples and also effective if you have skin that is sunburned. Cucumber water content of more than 90%, so this is a natural way to keep skin moist, toned and hydrated. The use of moisturizing cucumber for better than having to use chemicals that can aggravate moisturizing your skin. Cucumber also has skin tightening properties. It cleans the skin with menghilangkankotoran and dead skin cells and tighten pores to leave them smaller, and less likely to become clogged.

Then HOW to remove acne scars with cucumber ?. See the full review below:

Cucumber Mask. The trick cucumber puree in a blender and then apply on the face surface. Let stand for about 30 minutes, then wipe with a towel that has been dipped in warm water. Clean the rest of the mask is still attached to the warm water. For maximum results, you can add other ingredients such as a cup of oatmeal and yogurt