Causes of Acne on the face

Acne is the bumps that occur on the skin caused by the inflammation of the gland pilosebaseus unit and accompanied by blockage of keratin in the skin, Acne occurs and and accompanied by keratin apart and stacked at the mouth of the skin that causes blockage of the gland unit general pilosebaseus.Secara causes of acne on the face are:

1. Excess production of oil glands
2. Blockage of sewer oil glands on the skin surface
3. The bacteria that cause infection.

Preventing the causes of acne on the face are:
1.Drink plenty of water
2. Lots of eating fresh and natural foods
3. Avoid foods that contain preservatives
4. Exercise regularly
5. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
6. Use a face soap that suits your skin type
7. Do not use excessive makeup
8. Consumption of foods containing vitamin A (carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, cabbage parsley, and apricot).
9. Consumption of foods containing vitamin B2 (fish, milk, meat, eggs, green vegetables, and fruit)
10. Consumption of foods containing vitamin B3 (eggs, peanuts, meat and liver)
11. Lots of vitamin C and foods containing zinc
12. Avoid stress
13. diligent exercise
14. Hangan holding pimples with dirty hands
15. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
16. Treat with acne medications.

Care to address the cause of acne on the face is to wash horseradish to taste, then the turnips parutlah and take the water. Add a little apple cider vinegar and mix until blended. Apply it on acne, let stand until dried. Once dry, wash with water. Perform routine until the acne is resolved. There is also a natural mask that can help eliminate acne are:
Ingredients: ½ apple, ½ lemon squeezed in water, a few sprigs selederi.
How to make a mask are: apples and beberapan belender selederi stalks, then add orange juice leom. Apply the mask on the pimples. Let stand until dried. Then rinse well. Selederi useful to help reduce the swelling of acne.

There are also other acne medications are:

1. Sulfur or sulfur sedimentation, things to watch out for is to avoid contact with the eyes, mouth and mucous. Has been abandoned because they use more effective drugs available. The usefulness of the drug adalag germicides, fungicides, parasitisida, keratolytic, side effects of skin irritation. Usage rules can be applied to the skin with acne

2. Resorcinol, things to watch out for is not to be used long term, because it can interfere with thyroid function. Do not use the entire face, only used on acne. Usefulness is the antifungal drug, antibacterial, kerratolik. How to use applied to the skin with acne.