how to remove acne scars with ginger

Eliminate acne with ginger ginger is very effective because it contains anti-inflammatory elements that can reduce swelling and redness caused by acne.

Indonesian lot of saving natural resources that are useful for facial beauty. One is ginger. Ginger has a bulging shape like fingers. Ginger is commonly used by most people as a traditional medicine to relieve colds or as seasoning. But who would have suspected, it turned ginger is also beneficial to maintain the beauty of your face with acne eliminating annoying.
In the world of health benefits of ginger is no doubt, that can cope with colds, can increase appetite, pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. While in the world of beauty, benefits of ginger is to smooth the skin, removes dead skin cells, prevent premature aging, and tackle oily skin that can cause acne.

Eliminate acne with the use of ginger is very effective because ginger contains anti-inflammatory elements that can reduce swelling and redness caused by acne. Here is how to get rid of acne with ginger.

1. How to remove acne from the outside with ginger.
  • Choose fresh ginger then peel and wash thoroughly.
  • Grate the ginger that has been washed until smooth.
  • Clean your face with warm water.
  • Paste grated ginger to the skin with acne.
  • Let stand about 15 minutes.
  • Rinse face with cold water then use a towel to pat the face dry.
2. How to remove acne from inside with ginger.
  • Peel the fresh ginger and then wash clean.
  • Enter the 5 slices of ginger into a cup or glass.
  • Soak in hot water for 10 minutes.
  • Add the honey to taste and stir until blended.
  • Drinking regularly as a traditional medicine to get rid of acne from the inside.
Two ways to remove acne with ginger over the results will look best if you do it regularly. In addition to the loss of facial beauty awake with acne, the immune system will also be maintained so that you do not easily attacked by diseases. Hopefully the above information can be useful for the readers.