Symptoms of Acne

Acne rosacea is a condition of skin redness (erythema) with papules and pustules, especially on the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Acne is biasnaya occur during adulthood, mid-both men and women. Although the specific cause is unknown, acne rosacea is associated with high sensitivity to sunlight. Such conditions may arise and disappear especially aggravated by hot drinks and alcoholic.

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Acne rosacea can cause the sebaceous gland hypertrophy, accompanied by a thickening of the nose (rinofima) that appears permanent. There is also a genetic predisposition in light-skinned populations particularly vulnerable, experiencing acne rosacea. Symptoms that occur in an individual is able to arise bercmacam-of lesions. Lesions can be either open comedones, closed comedones, nodes, pustules, cysts and scarring. Lesions are usually found on the face, back, and shoulders.

Increased acne in women before or during the menstrual period when estrogen levels are lowest. In acne rosacea, may face a bright red back, even when exposed to little sunlight or alcohol, and papules and pustules may arise.

Complications occur in scar tissue can form in the case of the cargo. Insecurity can be disrupted even if the condition is not too bad. In acne rosacea, rinofima may arise.