how to remove acne scars with egg whites

You do not ever hear people complain clay ato 'Ah, I've tried all ways to hilangin acne scars but not a successful' or 'All this is a lie ...'

I was surprised because there are people who succeed by trying a certain way, but why there are others who do not work out at all?
From my interviews with several medical specialists kencantikan, apparently regardless of any way that we choose to remove acne scars, you need consistency! The point?

Look, what you might be able to remove acne scars consistent if you're not taking care of your face? For example, the first week of diligent really ngurusin face, the second week began perforated, perforated, the third week already do not wrote. What could succeed if gini? No way!

Similarly, if you go to a beauty clinic, take care as microdermabrasion. This treatment is known to be very powerful for your face shine again. But once you just take care, be cured? Nope.
Ya really bother to look beautiful? Yup! Indeed there is a 'price' to be paid to look pretty, so not many people who face shiny.
The good news is the choice is up to you! If you are diligent enough, the reward is a smooth face or if you do not want to bother ya ya face you will remain full of acne 
The following tips ngilangin acne scars with egg putuh
Egg white is very effective to keep the beauty of the face. In addition to firm the skin, egg whites can also remove acne and its scars.
How to use:
  • Clean the face
  • Take one grain and separate from the yolk
  • Apply on the face
  • Wait for it to dry for 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse your face with clean water (cold water if possible)
  • Do it 2-3 times a week