How to Eliminate stubborn acne with garlic

Benefits of Garlic for Acne Eliminating stubborn - Garlic, of course all know the name of this plant. Garlic included in genusAllium well as the name of tubers produced. Garlic in Indonesia is often used as a spice in the kitchen. Almost every food in Indonesian cuisine using garlic as an additional seasoning. Usually before use, garlic first digeprek or crushed. One dish that is often used is processed sauteed garlic.
Garlic contains many sulfur compounds and a chemical called alliin, so the taste of raw garlic is very bitter. But apart from being used for seasoning, white bwang also beneficial for beauty and skin care. How ?.

The skin is a very important part for us. Just like the other parts of the body, the skin also needs to care to keep them healthy and still look beautiful. One of the problems often associated with skin is facial acne. Acne is a skin problem that is experienced by almost everybody who experienced puberty. At the time of puberty, or during adolescence is a process of hormonal changes on a large scale. Well because it often appears acne in our face. But not only because of the hormonal changes that can lead to freaky acne.

Many other factors causing acne, among others, the work environment outside the room, which caused a lot of interaction with the dust and pollution. In addition, because of stress, can also be caused due to blockage of skin pores by oil produced naturally by oil glands under the skin.

One of the natural ingredients that are often used to get rid of pimples is garlic. Use of garlic is very easy. Garlic is also very easy to obtain, and the cost is also relatively cheap and affordable. Create a buddy who has tried a variety of facial treatments to get rid of stubborn acne, now you can try one of the alternatives Tips eliminate acne with garlic.

How to use garlic to get rid of acne is easy. Buddy just need to prepare some garlic then geprek until smooth. Furthermore garlic paste diarea facial acne. It will probably be a little sore for the unaccustomed. It feels like you are using kalpanax to remove phlegm. Do not forget to do it regularly. Besides garlic, man can also do facials with olive oil. Do not forget to like this article yes, congratulations mencobaperawatan garlic to get rid of acne. Hopefully your acne disappear fast.