Factors that cause acne

Causes of acne
The cause of teenage acne is a shameful thing, of course, because the causes of bacteria that goes into our skin, when I was younger we probably would not have guessed because our skin is soft, smooth, and no features will have a bump acne on the face kita.Tapi after puberty generally occurs when we are ahead of the junior high school, acne blemishes sometimes difficult to remove how to remove acne scars can also be done with traditional methods using herb / herbal medicines.

Acne can usually arises due to the causal factors, among others:
1. Too Over Oil ProductionAcne does not always arise because of a dirty face, but because of many factors in tubuh.Jerawat an abnormal state of the skin due to interference too over-production of oil glands (sebaceus gland) that causes blockage of hair follicles and pores kulit.Faktor the most common causes of acne is a hormone, a collection of oil or sebum in the skin bacteria collaborate with dead skin cells.
2. The derived hormonal factors in the elderly
3. Genetic factors such as a teenager growing up.
4. The presence of skin irritation factor
5.Kosmetik also often leads to clogging of pores due to use cosmetics that contain more oil or use a powder that is fused foundation.Foundation contained in the powder causes the face powder easily clog pores
6.drugsKosteroid drug consumption, both oral (oral medication) or topical (ointment), which causes a weak immune system, it also increases the potential for the appearance of acne for routine bacterial pathogens increases.