Causes of emergence Acne

Acne is a condition when the skin pores are clogged, causing an inflamed sac of pus. Acne is a skin disease that is quite a large number of sufferers. There was no one in the world who get through life without a pimple on his skin. Possible causes are hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in the skin.

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Other hormonal changes that can lead to acne is the menstrual period, pregnancy, use of birth control pills, and stress. Fortunately, myriad senajata to fight is now more powerful and much more effective than ever before.

The causes of acne are:

1. Excessive oil production.
Acne not only appears as dirty, but more due to factors out of the body. Acne is an abnormal condition of the skin caused by excessive production of oil glands disorder (sebaceus gland) which causes blockage of hair follicles and skin pores. The most common cause of acne is hormonal, piles of oil, or soap on the skin in collaboration with the bacteria.

2. Dead skin cells.
Generally, acne is caused by excess oil gland due to enterprising produce androgen hormones. Pimples occur because the excess oil glands mixes with dead skin cells. When skin cells are mixed with the amount of soap that has increased it, the mixture is thick and sticky it can form a plug that into black or white spots. Many people believe that acne only affects the face. However, the fact that acne can also attack other parts of the body, such as the section back, chest, and upper arms.

3. bacterium
To make matters more complicated, the bacteria normally present in the skin, called p. acne which tend to multiply in the blocked sebaceous glands, which produce substances that cause irritation to the surrounding area. The glands continue to swell and may be broken, then spreading inflammation to the surrounding skin area. This is what causes cystic acne types most likely, the acne that leave long-term pigmentation and scars as permanent smallpox.