How to remove acne scars with honey

How to remove acne scars with honey - How's it going today? hopefully healthy always and has always been a positive person. This time the face of health care is still willing to share tips on how to remove acne scars. If yesterday we have been discussing about how to remove acne scars using olive oil, now we will try to use honey.

Back to our topic this time on how to remove acne scars with honey. There must be a question, why how honey ?. What can madudigunakan to remove acne scars ?. Honey contains natural healing properties consisting of enzymes, antioxidants, and anti-bacterial properties that can help cleanse the skin. Honey has antibacterial properties that can moisturize the skin without clogging pores. Honey is very good for treating oily skin because honey can bind moisture to the skin surface. The ability of honey to keep the moisture is the most important part to make the skin supple, flexible and soft.

Here are tips using honey as a facial mask to remove acne scars:

Pour a tablespoon of pure honey that is still raw into a small bowl. If you want you can warm honey in the microwave for 10 seconds before using it.
  Apply honey using applicator or fingers that have previously been cleared. Apply honey with a thick layer all over the face area. Let the honey sticks to the face for 15 minutes to an hour.
To get rid of honey, apply a small towel that has been moistened with warm water to the face. Repeat this process until all the honey is completely clean from the face.
Oh yes for attention before making health care untukmenghilangkan facial acne scars with honey it helps advance we have been really getting clean from the rest of the make up for the weaker sex. Attractive and easy is not our tips this time. Waiting come soon try to remove acne scars with honey.