10 natural ingredients to eliminate acne scars

This article about tips to eliminate scars jerawat.Kenapa still use natural ingredients? The answer is simple, because the natural ingredients do not cause side effects.

So what are the 10 natural ingredients that can be used to remove acne scars ?.

- Using tomatoes: sliced tomato rubbed on acne lukabekas proven to remove stains annoying.

- Using cucumber juice: cucumber juice is a natural skin toner which can improve skin texture. Cucumber can reduce inflammation, smooth the skin and heal the wounds caused by acne.

- Using egg whites: Egg whites are easily obtainable and effective enough to deal with acne. Apply egg white on the pimple and leave overnight so that your acne improves.

- Using turmeric: Turmeric In eastern parts of the world have known for thousands of years as a beauty product. One of the properties was to reduce acne scars ..

- Use aloe vera: Aloe vera is an effective remedy, including to remove acne scars. How to live in the part of lenders apply aloe vera to the skin on a regular basis.

- Use lemon juice: Apply lemon juice on the stain and let acne scars while before washing it with water. Lemon has a content that can lighten skin color. Lemon can also dispose of dead skin cells and make skin more elastic.

- Using olive oil: In addition to making delicious dishes, olive oil can also remove acne scars. Gently massage your face with olive oil contained mainly in the acne scars.

- Use honey: Honey is a natural moisturizer. Honey mask also has long believed to make the skin look brighter and

- Use bengkoang: water content in Bengkoang able to lift dead skin cells. So that gradually fade acne scars.

So says the 10 natural ingredients to remove acne scars. Denganperawatan health regularly and routinely face, then the face will be free of health problems such as acne.