How to Whiten Faces Using Olive Oil

The main ingredient in cosmetics since ancient times. Olive oil on face rarely cause reactions.

Not infrequently, for the world of olive oil is used to whiten the face of beauty naturally. Olive oil is also believed to moisturize, soften, and exfoliate dead skin. Here's how to whiten your face with olive oil

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Olive Oil

1. Combine vinegar, water and olive oil in the ratio of 1: 1: 2. The mixture will make a useful night cream to soften the face and flatten / balance your skin tone.

2. Dampen your face with water and massage olive oil into your face. Put a small amount of sugar in the palm of your hand. Rub the sugar into teroles olive oil on your face. Rinse until all the sugar granules disappear. It aims to slough off dead skin cells, dry skin cells and make your face radiant and healthy natural glow.

3. Apply a small amount of olive oil on your lips to reduce or prevent chapped lips.

4. Pour the olive oil on cotton balls to clean the eye makeup, such as removing waterproof mascara that is difficult to remove when rinsed with water alone. If you use contact lenses, then remove contact lenses before the eyes of the olive oil to sweep around your eyes.

5. Massage olive oil on the fine lines or wrinkles on the face, focus on any dry areas. Olive oil will moisturize and help improve your overall appearance.

Information on how to whiten your face with olive oil already know. Now it's your turn to apply in rmah regularly. Good luck

Eliminate acne with celery leaves

Eliminate acne with celery - Acne is a skin problem that is most common. Acne is a swelling of the skin pores. Acne can be caused due to the bacteria that cause acne. Then can also be caused due to blockage by dust and dirt, oily, and stress. Teenagers are the most widely suffer from the problem of acne.

You would easily get rid of acne solutions through google. There are so many ways to remove acne you'll find. Eg how to get rid of acne in a simple way or in a modern way. The material used was also no chemicals and natural ingredients. In fact, it turns out sayuranpun also useful to get rid of acne. One is celery.

Celery is usually used to complement. For example, to know the contents fresh. But apparently reversed its usefulness for consumption. Celery can be used in order to reduce the oil content in the face so that it can eliminate acne. Here's how to use it.

  • Take Celery leaves to taste and cut up into small pieces, and after in small pieces, celery pieces were then packed into a panic that it had entered into the boiling water, and let soak celery heat for 15-20 minutes long, after settling for 15 -20 minutes, and can be left to cool (20-30 minutes).
  • Apply Celery water that has been boiled and cold already had to the entire face, leave it until the water is absorbed and mengering.Setelah Celery Celery seep water and dries can be rinsed or cleaned with water until clean. Use 2 days 1 time use to obtain maximum results.

  • That tips to eliminate acne with celery leaves. janagn forget to share this article

How to Eliminate stubborn acne with garlic

Benefits of Garlic for Acne Eliminating stubborn - Garlic, of course all know the name of this plant. Garlic included in genusAllium well as the name of tubers produced. Garlic in Indonesia is often used as a spice in the kitchen. Almost every food in Indonesian cuisine using garlic as an additional seasoning. Usually before use, garlic first digeprek or crushed. One dish that is often used is processed sauteed garlic.
Garlic contains many sulfur compounds and a chemical called alliin, so the taste of raw garlic is very bitter. But apart from being used for seasoning, white bwang also beneficial for beauty and skin care. How ?.

The skin is a very important part for us. Just like the other parts of the body, the skin also needs to care to keep them healthy and still look beautiful. One of the problems often associated with skin is facial acne. Acne is a skin problem that is experienced by almost everybody who experienced puberty. At the time of puberty, or during adolescence is a process of hormonal changes on a large scale. Well because it often appears acne in our face. But not only because of the hormonal changes that can lead to freaky acne.

Many other factors causing acne, among others, the work environment outside the room, which caused a lot of interaction with the dust and pollution. In addition, because of stress, can also be caused due to blockage of skin pores by oil produced naturally by oil glands under the skin.

One of the natural ingredients that are often used to get rid of pimples is garlic. Use of garlic is very easy. Garlic is also very easy to obtain, and the cost is also relatively cheap and affordable. Create a buddy who has tried a variety of facial treatments to get rid of stubborn acne, now you can try one of the alternatives Tips eliminate acne with garlic.

How to use garlic to get rid of acne is easy. Buddy just need to prepare some garlic then geprek until smooth. Furthermore garlic paste diarea facial acne. It will probably be a little sore for the unaccustomed. It feels like you are using kalpanax to remove phlegm. Do not forget to do it regularly. Besides garlic, man can also do facials with olive oil. Do not forget to like this article yes, congratulations mencobaperawatan garlic to get rid of acne. Hopefully your acne disappear fast.

How to make a natural mask to remove acne scars

experienced by almost everyone who was a teenager. Acne is a natural process, and as a teenager is a time in which acne thrives. Adolescence is often called puberty, which is the shift to adulthood, and while this is hormonal changes in the body occurs on a large scale. Because of hormonal changes that trigger acne.

There are so many ways that you can use to get rid of acne. You can use a variety of cleaning products that are sold freely in the market. Or you can also use a mask to remove acne naturally from the fruit. Choose the type of acne facial treatments are suitable and fit with you.

But not enough, usually acne that has been successfully removed will cause acne scars. Usually in the form of existing spots black spots on the pimples before. But you do not need to worry, a lot of treatments to remove acne scars that you can try. One of them uses natural ingredients. Safer and does not cause side effects. It is also easy to get around us at a cheap price.

1. Mask bengkoang
The most commonly used way is to use a mask to remove acne scars yam. The way is bengkoang fruit puree until smooth, then apply to your face. Wait until dry and then rinse your face clean hinga, do it before bed.

2. Eliminate acne scars using a mask of tomatoes: sliced tomato rubbed on the acne scars are proven to remove stains annoying.

3 Eliminate acne scars using a mask of cucumber: cucumber is a natural skin toner which can improve skin texture. Cucumber can reduce inflammation, smooth the skin and heal the wounds caused by acne.

4 Eliminate acne scars using turmeric mask: In the eastern parts of the world saffron has been known for thousands of years as a beauty product. One of the properties was to reduce acne scars.

How to remove acne with guava leaves

Good morning, this time the face of health care will share tips get rid of acne. Of course we know that there are many ways to get rid of acne. From cheap to facial treatments facial treatments that cost hundreds or even millions. But this time we will get rid of acne in a natural way. This time it is a natural material that will be used is the guava leaves. Why guava leaf ?. We already know that dau guava has many benefits. One is to treat abdominal pain or diarrhea.

Facial acne certainly affects performance and the level of our confidence. Because pimpled face look more dull. Especially if you are someone with high mobility. Then the existence of acne would be very disturbing.

Did you know that guava is a good source of vitamin C and includes fruits that contain anti-oxidants in large quantities. But it was not only the guava fruit that we can use. Guava leaves also useful and can eliminate acne.

Then how do I use guava leaves to get rid of acne? For how to use you can see below.

How to use guava leaves to get rid of acne
Take young guava leaves, then wash thoroughly. Take a little water and then knead guava leaf until foamy. After that, apply water on facial acne. Let stand beberpa minutes then rinse with water until clean.

That Tips eliminate acne with guava leaves. Hopefully useful and do not forget to share

The traditional way to remove acne scars

You ever have acne?. Acne is a skin disease that is often encountered kia. In fact we often experience. In fact, most people with acne, teenage years when they were a transitional period. Acne is caused by many things. Such as genetic factors, hormonal problems, or external causes such as dust and pollution clog the skin pores. Do you have found the right way to remove acne?. In fact after successfully overcome acne usually arise acne scars dark spots on our cheeks. This is usually if you are wrong in treating your acne. For those of you who have problems with acne scars, this time I will share tips to overcome the acne scars on your face safely and easily.

menghilangkan bekas jerawat secara tradisional
The traditional way to remove acne scars

There are so many ways that you can do to eliminate your acne scars the face. Especially if you do a search through google, it lists thousands of acne scar treatment solution ready for you. In addition, the market is also rampant beauty products that offer solutions to overcome acne scars. Staying we are keen to choose which one. But of the solution, you can also use a variety of natural ingredients for your skin care. Can it be? Of course. In addition to safety, because it does not cause side effects, natural materials are also easier to come as close to us.

Various legacy facial treatments to remove acne scars have traditionally been passed down. As the use of masks from fruit which is a traditional way to remove acne scars and acne diwajah. For those of you who are looking for alternative skin care tips, you can use face masks from natural ingredients, such as making masks of the following materials.

Lemons proven to overcome the stubborn acne scars. How do I take advantage of a lemon to get rid of acne? The following is easy stages.
The lemon fruit blender until smooth. Pour the lemon taste results on cotton. Rub the cotton pad on stubborn acne scars. Let stand 15 minutes to get the optimum results from this lemon. Rinse the lemon former. Perform routine to eliminate stubborn acne scars.

olive oil
The benefits of olive oil has been known to be very much especially for the health and beauty of the face. In order to smooth face without acne scars, apply olive oil on your face before bed while massaging gently and then rinse with lukewarm water. Perform routine for optimum results for skin.

How to Whiten Skin With Lime and White Eggs

Choosing to use cosmetic products is not the best way can cause harmful side effects because the content of chemicals in it, otherwise it will not whiten the skin color naturally. Do not worry, because now a lot of natural and easy way to whiten skin even without having to pay expensive.

Orange juice and egg white to be one of the best options to tighten and whiten skin naturally. Facial skin is taut certainly signifies skin health is maintained and looks durable muda.Cara is considered much safer and better.

Egg white (preferably wearing chicken eggs) are able to absorb blackheads and skin impurities. Whiten the skin so that the skin will look brighter. The content of protein in the eggs will make your skin soft and antioxidant properties capable of moisturizing the skin.

Let's look at how to whiten skin with lemon and egg white:

  • · Take some lemon fruit is ripe and fresh
  • · Slice lemon and squeeze the water to get the juices inside.
  • · Mix the egg white with the lime juice and stir the two together until just now evenly.
  • · Then apply a mixture of lime juice and egg white (chicken egg) over the face evenly.
  • · If the difficulties in applying, you can use a clean paint brush.
  • · Completed apply, let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse your face with clean water and can also be rinsed with cold water.
  • · Pat your face using a towel made smooth.

You are interested in applying the method to whiten your skin?
Immediately take lemon juice and egg white (chicken egg). In addition to increase confidence, blushing bright face is always the center of attention in the eyes of others.

Similarly, information on how to whiten skin with lemon and egg white.

How to remove acne emerging

Acne is one of the dreaded disease by both teenagers and adults. Usually skin breakouts occur due to several reasons including The blockage layer of dead skin on the infected pores, oil glands produced too excessive, genetic factors and hormonal factors. Treating acne is emerging is the appropriate action in order to prevent acne from getting worse. But many people just ignore this way. They tend to ignore and allow acne to disturb confidence in appearance.

Learn tips about remove acne emerging:

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat
acne emerging

Reduce Excess Sugar Consumption
Foods such as chocolate, soft drinks, biscuits, sweets are a series of foods that contain lots of sugar which turns out to be one of the triggers jerawat.Kulit will easily appear oily acne. From now cut back the consumption of foods that are too cute to remove acne emerging.

Avoid Stress
If you're under stress conditions or often referred to as stress. So the condition is one of the triggers of acne. then start to change this condition. More grateful and relaxed in the face of any kind will help prevent acne from appearing. By avoiding stress will reduce the appearance of acne on the face.

Consumption of Fiber
One function of fiber is to help the system work optimally expenditure. Fibers were fulfilled plus enough water to launch the digestive system so that the dirt removed from the body. Conversely, people who are not enough fiber and drinking water bowel movement is not smooth so that the acne that has appeared to be growing worse.

Compress Acne with Warm Water
Acne emerging if not handled properly it will have disastrous new breakouts around the face. Enough to eliminate the pimples with warm water compress. Germs will die, mered infections and acne will quickly shrink.

That eliminates acne tips regarding emerging. The more regularly you do, the faster your acne disappear. Congratulations beautiful life

How to cure cystic acne with natural ingredients

Acne is a problem that faces are often confronted with. Almost anyone who has ever had acne. Acne commonly occurs when a person experiences during adolescence or puberty is a period where hormonal changes occur on a large scale. Do you remember when it first appeared the face of your acne?

Acne can be divided into two types, namely ordinary acne and cystic acne. common acne is acne that is small, whereas the cystic acne has a larger size. Often the cause cystic acne swelling and if not addressed will cause acne scars that interfere with the beauty of your face.

How to cure cystic acne with natural ingredients

Factors that cause the appearance of acne Stone
Various factors could cause cystic acne appears as heredity or genetic imbalance hormonal changes, medications, stress conditions, including the use of oil-based cosmetics, facial cleansers excessive use, pollution and dust from the environment because the workspace outdoors.

Just like regular acne, facial treatments we can also apply to eliminate cystic acne. With treatment, cystic acne is expected to be removed and not cause acne scars. Various treatments for facial acne stone is very easy to find, let alone use google. One of them uses natural ingredients that are safer without the side effects. Here are some tips to cure cystic acne with natural ingredients.

Eliminate Acne with Potato Stone.
Potatoes contain alkaline which can help break down the oils are clogged in the pores of the skin. Potatoes can be used for a natural treatment by slicing a raw potato in half and rub the juice on the affected area. Leave for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

Eliminate Acne with egg white stone.
Egg whites are known to be very effective as a natural solution. Apply egg white mixed with a few drops of honey to reduce acne and also soothe the affected area.

Eliminate Acne with Honey and Turmeric Stone.
Apply the mixture of honey and turmeric along with some lime juice is a good way to treat adult cystic acne. This helps to reduce inflammation and also has a calming effect on the skin. It can be said honey and turmeric is a traditional medicine cystic acne is quite powerful.

Apparently ingredients such as honey, egg whites, potatoes useful to eliminate cystic acne. Do it regularly for optimum results.

Eliminate acne with natural ingredients

This time will be a variety of health care tips to remove acne with natural ingredients. Why use natural ingredients ?. The answer is simple, because natural ingredients are easily available around us. As well as natural ingredients do not cause side effects for the user, not like chemicals on brands facial cleanser. But before we ketopik main, we understand little about acne.

Causes of Acne
Acne occurs due to inflammation of the oil glands of the skin, caused by an imbalance in the production of oil by the oil that comes out through the skin surface. Causing buildup occurs which results in the blockage of the pores of the skin that triggers the acne-causing bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes).

Menghilangkan jerawat dengan bahan alami

Food triggers of acne
Foods that cause acne should we reduce the intake. Food is most famous as a cause of acne is derived from nuts. This is because the beans have a high enough oil content.

The most important thing to watch out for every meal. Notice if after we eat something, the food will cause acne. If yes, then you should avoid the intake of these foods to prevent acne. Especially for people who have sensitive skin.

Tips to cure Acne In Traditional
If you have acne, you do not have to panic. Because a lot of ways to eliminate acne naturally or with the use of modern cleaning creams or treatments. But this time we will get rid of acne in a simple way that uses natural ingredients. Because it is cheaper, easier and safer without sampig effects.

1. Orange Peel
How: Pound the orange peel until smooth, add a little water and use sebahai mask on the acne, leave 10 to 15 minutes then rinse with clean water

2. Cucumber
Attach pieces of cucumber on the acne. Cucumbers are able to provide a cool effect on the inflamed skin, after 15 minutes, wash the face.

3. Honey
honey in fact is very well known as a natural remedy. How to use honey to remove acne simply apply honey on acne prone skin, wait 15 minutes then rinse.

4. Tomato
How: sliced tomatoes, then wipe the area of facial acne. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse.

That Tips eliminate acne with natural ingredients. You could try one of the above four natural ingredients. Do it regularly every day, in order to obtain more optimal results.

10 natural ingredients to eliminate acne scars

This article about tips to eliminate scars jerawat.Kenapa still use natural ingredients? The answer is simple, because the natural ingredients do not cause side effects.

So what are the 10 natural ingredients that can be used to remove acne scars ?.

- Using tomatoes: sliced tomato rubbed on acne lukabekas proven to remove stains annoying.

- Using cucumber juice: cucumber juice is a natural skin toner which can improve skin texture. Cucumber can reduce inflammation, smooth the skin and heal the wounds caused by acne.

- Using egg whites: Egg whites are easily obtainable and effective enough to deal with acne. Apply egg white on the pimple and leave overnight so that your acne improves.

- Using turmeric: Turmeric In eastern parts of the world have known for thousands of years as a beauty product. One of the properties was to reduce acne scars ..

- Use aloe vera: Aloe vera is an effective remedy, including to remove acne scars. How to live in the part of lenders apply aloe vera to the skin on a regular basis.

- Use lemon juice: Apply lemon juice on the stain and let acne scars while before washing it with water. Lemon has a content that can lighten skin color. Lemon can also dispose of dead skin cells and make skin more elastic.

- Using olive oil: In addition to making delicious dishes, olive oil can also remove acne scars. Gently massage your face with olive oil contained mainly in the acne scars.

- Use honey: Honey is a natural moisturizer. Honey mask also has long believed to make the skin look brighter and

- Use bengkoang: water content in Bengkoang able to lift dead skin cells. So that gradually fade acne scars.

So says the 10 natural ingredients to remove acne scars. Denganperawatan health regularly and routinely face, then the face will be free of health problems such as acne.

How to Eliminate acne with a carrots

Eliminate acne with a carrots could be an alternative for a friend to all who are looking for tips to help solve the problem of acne. Carrots are orange-colored fruit. Flower stems grow about 1 m tall, with white flowers. Carrots are one of the plants that contain large amounts of vitamin A is good for eye health. Regularly eating carrots good for eyesight health. But you know that the benefits of carrots is not just for consumption. But carrots are also good to use untukmengatasi acne problems. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and beta carotene. Both of these substances are very helpful in preventing acne. Acne arising in our face can be caused by many factors. For example, the presence of dead skin cells on the face, the buildup of dust and pollution, as well as the oil clogging the pores of our skin oil produced by the sebaceous oil glands in our skin naturally which then becomes a breeding ground for the bacteria that cause acne.

Ternyata wortel ampuh menghilangkan jerawat

una, or forgery by rogue elements who are not responsible. Worse yet the ingredients to make the drug clone cleaners often use hazardous materials and dakam long-term use can cause serious problems such as skin cancer.

One alternative way to remove acne that you can try is using a carrot. You can apply a carrot in the form of carrot mask for you to use as a mask on your face. Here's how to make carrot mask:
Mash the carrots until smooth
Mix the carrots finely with 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon olive oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice
Do not forget to clean your face with warm water first
then apply to your face mask carrots.
Let stand for 15 minutes and wash.
The use of masks carrots can also help to prevent acne grow diwajah us.

How to Eliminate acne scars naturally

"Maybe you do not like to hear this but if it mudahmaka remove acne scars we all must have a smooth face!"

In fact removing acne scars is much more difficult than eliminating acne. To get rid of acne may be required 3-7 days (for mild acne) but the scar? Could be months!

So if you are looking for quickly looking to get rid of acne scars in one week or even one day, sorry, I wrote this article is not for you. If there are people who say have a product or treatment that can do this, you have to be careful! It is probable that there are active substances that are harmful in the future! So be wise guys!

Ways that will be presented below aims to accelerate the healing process of acne scars and prevent complications that can occur, such as hyperpigmentation.

Please select which way you want to use to remove acne scars:

You do not ever hear people complain clay ato 'I've tried all ways to hilangin acne scars but not a successful' or 'All this is a lie ...'
I was surprised because there are people who succeed by trying a certain way, but why there are others who do not work out at all?

From my interviews with several medical specialists kencantikan, apparently regardless of any way that we choose to remove acne scars, you need consistency! The point?

Look, what you might be able to remove acne scars consistent if you're not taking care of your face? Examples ya, the first week of diligent really ngurusin face, the second week began perforated, perforated, the third week already do not wrote. What could succeed if gini? No way lah!

Similarly, if you go to a beauty clinic, take care as microdermabrasion. This treatment is known to be very powerful for your face shine again. But once you just take care, be cured? Nope!

Ya really bother to look beautiful? Yup! Indeed there is a 'price' to be paid to look pretty, so not many people who face shiny.

The good news is the choice is up to you! If you are diligent enough, the reward is a smooth face or if you do not want to bother ya ya face you will remain full of acne scars.

Once we know the facts above, let us discuss one by one how to get rid of acne scars:
You can use natural ingredients to remove acne scars, for example:

Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C which can nourish the skin and eliminate acne and scars, both emerging and already inflamed.

How to use:
  • Cut the tomatoes that have been cleared into sections
  • Put the pieces in the face of existing acne scars
  • Leave on for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse your face with clean water
  • Do it 2-3 times a week

Orange juice has many benefits, especially for health and beauty of the face. The content of lime is able to clean the dead skin cells and reduce the oil content in the face. No wonder lime can help eliminate acne and its scars

How to use:
  • Squeeze 1 or 2 limes
  • Apply the juice on the face, especially on the part of many acne scars
  • Let stand for 15 minutes or until it dries up
  • Rinse your face with clean water
  • Lalukan 2-3 times a week

egg whites
Egg white is very effective to keep the beauty of the face. In addition to firm the skin, egg whites can also remove acne and its scars.

How to use:
  • Clean the face
  • Take one grain and separate from the yolk
  • Apply on the face
  • Wait for it to dry for 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse your face with clean water (cold water if possible)
  • Do it 2-3 times a week

Aloe vera gel
The content of the aloe vera gel is also effective enough to clean the skin to be free from acne scars are stubborn. If you do not want to shell out money, Tongue crocodile planting yourself at home, these plants are so easy to grow

How to use:
  • Clean the face
  • Select fresh aloe (not wilted)
  • Break in the middle, then push up out of the gel
  • Apply the gel to the face
  • Let stand for 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse your face with clean water
  • Do it 2-3 times a week

Olive Oil
Olive oil has the benefit of an abundance of beauty and health, especially for the face such as being able to soften the skin and maintain the beauty of the skin. In addition, this oil is also useful for the beauty of hair.

How to use:
  • Before bed, apply olive oil on face
  • Gently massage your face for 5 minutes
  • Rinse face with warm water
  • To the maximum, you should do every day until the acne scars disappear

grated Corn
Corn contains Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that is needed by the skin to maintain moisture in skin elasticity and prevent premature aging. In addition, there is Vitamin C, which helps build connective tissue and prevent scarring (wrinkles) on the skin.

How to use:
  • Clean the face
  • Select young corn and fresh, clean, and scar until smooth
  • Apply grated on face
  • Wait 15-20 minutes
  • Rinse your face with clean water
  • Do it 2-3 times a week

Black Tea Dregs
If you like to drink black tea, do not discard the waste simply because it is very nutritious for the skin beauty. Black tea waste is also believed and has been proven to eliminate acne scars. Then, and rinse with water.

How to use:
  • Clean the face
  • Apply a taste of black tea dregs into the acne scars are slowly
  • Let stand for 15 minutes
  • Rinse your face with clean water
  • Do it 2-3 times a week

Getting Rid of Acne Scars

How to remove acne scars with traditional tools and materials are much better in comparison with drugs, because in some cases the use of anti-acne drug can be very dangerous. No wonder the tips and the use of herbs and natural ingredients it is highly recommended for those who want to remove acne scars.

Healthy lifestyle is a powerful way to overcome a variety of diseases that exist in the body, both inside and out. Leather face unhygienic but can cause black flex in the face can also cause acne scars become increasingly large and unmanageable.

Various Healthy Lifestyle To Eliminate Acne Scars
  • Perhaps you have heard a variety of natural ingredients to combat acne, more often heard promoted herbal medicine to treat a variety of complaints acne. But do you know how to implement a healthy lifestyle as a way of eliminating the powerful acne scars, here are tips.

  • Drinking enough water. White water is known not only for the primary needs of a human life, water therapy has also been developed to treat a variety of diseases. Drink 8 glasses of water a day will help keep the skin moist so it will reduce the impact of the spread of acne scars membandel.Manfaat water very much at all, so no harm regularly consume this water regularly.

  • Enough sleep and regular. Acne can also be caused by stress and lack of sleep hours, but can lead to many dangerous diseases, sleep can also add to the growth of acne on the face. With enough sleep will keep your metabolism so that your skin pores regularly face will awake to diminish acne and can certainly cope with fatigue on the body after a day of activities.

  • Expand to eat fruits and vegetables. The benefits of the fruit to the skin is very much, fruits and vegetables can also help eliminate acne and scars. The content of vitamin E in fruits and vegetables is very much the need of vitamin E skin will be fulfilled. It is said that eating fruits and vegetables is very powerful used to remove stubborn acne that does not add much.

  • Do not touch or squeeze pimples by hand. Direct contact with the hand will only add to the growth of acne scars and become difficult to remove especially touched by dirty hands and not sterile.

  • Cleaning the face regularly. Cleaning the face regularly every day using soap can reduce the germs that cause stubborn acne scars. Moreover, this practice can also be used to remove blackheads on the face and cleanse the skin of new pimples.

  • Keep hair off the face. If you have long hair that is a good idea to clamp and tie that is not too often about acne scars, because hair contains oils as well as dust and non-sterile for skin that is affected by acne.

Oily skin is one of the main causes of acne are not only stubborn in the face, acne on the back and chest can also arise due to this problem oily skin. Healthy lifestyle is in essence is going to deliver value for our health, as well as a way to overcome oily skin.

how to remove acne scars with lemon

How to remove acne with lemon can be an alternative bagia you who have problems with acne. There are so many ways that we can use to get rid of acne on the face. There are tips that use chemicals, cosmetics, and some are using natural ingredients to get rid of acne and acne scars. One way to get rid of acne naturally is the famous removal tips acne with lemon. Surely you are wondering why the lemon can be used to get rid of acne ?

As we know that Lemon has Vitamin C in high doses that can help clean the dead skin cells that accumulate on the face. Besides lemon also has long been known to help cleanse the skin of excess oil. And did you know that excess oil is one of the factors of acne.

Then how treatment using lemon to get rid of acne? You can try the following tips.

Using a mixture of lemon and honey to remove acne.

What should you do?
Prepare 1 teaspoon lemon juice and mix with one teaspoon of honey.
Stir until blended.
After the average spread to the face and then let sit for 30 minutes or until it dries up.
  Once dry wipe with a towel that has been moistened with cold water.

Do this treatment consistently in order to obtain more optimal results. If this method is less successful for you, there are very many other tips to remove acne using natural ingredients that you can try. Why natural materials? because it does not cause side effects and safety. You can try other tips include

how to remove acne scars with tomato

You do not ever hear people complain clay ato 'I've tried all ways to hilangin acne scars but not a successful' or 'All this is a lie ...'

I was surprised because there are people who succeed by trying a certain way, but why there are others who do not work out at all?
From my interviews with several medical specialists kencantikan, apparently regardless of any way that we choose to remove acne scars, you need consistency! The point?

Look, what you might be able to remove acne scars consistent if you're not taking care of your face? Examples ya, the first week of diligent really ngurusin face, the second week began perforated, perforated, the third week already do not wrote. What could succeed if gini? No way!
Similarly, if you go to a beauty clinic, take care as microdermabrasion. This treatment is known to be very powerful for your face shine again. But once you just take care, be cured? not

Ya really bother to look beautiful? Yup! Indeed there is a 'price' to be paid to look pretty, so not many people who face shiny.
The good news is the choice is up to you! If you are diligent enough, the reward is a smooth face or if you do not want to bother ya ya face you will remain full of acne scars.

tips on how to get rid of acne scars with tomato
tomatoes are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C which can nourish the skin and eliminate acne and scars, both emerging and already inflamed.
How to use:
  • Cut the tomatoes that have been cleared into sections
  • Put the pieces in the face of existing acne scars
  • Leave on for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse your face with clean water
  • Do it 2-3 times a week

how to remove acne scars with egg whites

You do not ever hear people complain clay ato 'Ah, I've tried all ways to hilangin acne scars but not a successful' or 'All this is a lie ...'

I was surprised because there are people who succeed by trying a certain way, but why there are others who do not work out at all?
From my interviews with several medical specialists kencantikan, apparently regardless of any way that we choose to remove acne scars, you need consistency! The point?

Look, what you might be able to remove acne scars consistent if you're not taking care of your face? For example, the first week of diligent really ngurusin face, the second week began perforated, perforated, the third week already do not wrote. What could succeed if gini? No way!

Similarly, if you go to a beauty clinic, take care as microdermabrasion. This treatment is known to be very powerful for your face shine again. But once you just take care, be cured? Nope.
Ya really bother to look beautiful? Yup! Indeed there is a 'price' to be paid to look pretty, so not many people who face shiny.
The good news is the choice is up to you! If you are diligent enough, the reward is a smooth face or if you do not want to bother ya ya face you will remain full of acne 
The following tips ngilangin acne scars with egg putuh
Egg white is very effective to keep the beauty of the face. In addition to firm the skin, egg whites can also remove acne and its scars.
How to use:
  • Clean the face
  • Take one grain and separate from the yolk
  • Apply on the face
  • Wait for it to dry for 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse your face with clean water (cold water if possible)
  • Do it 2-3 times a week

how to remove acne scars with aloe vera

how to remove acne scars with aloe vera
You do not ever hear people complain clay ato 'I've tried all the ways to get rid of acne scars but not a successful' or 'All this is a lie ...'

I was surprised because there are people who succeed by trying a certain way, but why there are others who do not work out at all?
From my interviews with several medical specialists kencantikan, apparently regardless of any way that we choose to remove acne scars, you need consistency! The point?

Look, what you might be able to remove acne scars consistent if you're not taking care of your face? Examples ya, the first week of diligent really ngurusin face, the second week began perforated, perforated, the third week already do not wrote. What could succeed if gini? No way!

Similarly, if you go to a beauty clinic, take care as microdermabrasion. This treatment is known to be very powerful for your face shine again. But once you just take care, be cured? Nope!

Ya really bother to look beautiful? Yup! Indeed there is a 'price' to be paid to look pretty, so not many people who face shiny.
The good news is the choice is up to you! If you are diligent enough, the reward is a smooth face or if you do not want to bother ya ya face you will remain full of acne scars

following way ngilangin acne with aloe vera
The content of the aloe vera gel is also effective enough to clean the skin to be free from acne scars are stubborn. If you do not want to shell out money, Tongue crocodile planting yourself at home, these plants are so easy to grow
How to use:

  • Clean the face
  • Select fresh aloe (not wilted)
  • Break in the middle, then push up out of the gel
  • Apply the gel to the face
  • Let stand for 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse your face with clean water
  • Do it 2-3 times a week

how to remove acne scars with olive oil

You do not ever hear people complain clay ato 'I've tried all ways to hilangin acne scars but not a successful' or 'All this is a lie ...'

I was surprised because there are people who succeed by trying a certain way, but why there are others who do not work out at all?
From my interviews with several medical specialists kencantikan, apparently regardless of any way that we choose to remove acne scars, you need consistency! The point?

Look, what you might be able to remove acne scars consistent if you're not taking care of your face? Examples ya, the first week of diligent really ngurusin face, the second week began perforated, perforated, the third week already do not wrote. What if this could work? Impossible!

Similarly, if you go to a beauty clinic, take care as microdermabrasion. This treatment is known to be very powerful for your face shine again. But once you just take care, be cured? Nope!
Ya really bother to look beautiful? Yup! Indeed there is a 'price' to be paid to look pretty, so not many people who face shiny.

The good news is the choice is up to you! If you are diligent enough, the reward is a smooth face or if you do not want to bother ya ya face you will remain full of acne scars
following way hilangin acne scars with olive oil
Olive oil has the benefit of an abundance of beauty and health, especially for the face such as being able to soften the skin and maintain the beauty of the skin. In addition, this oil is also useful for the beauty of hair.
How to use:
  • Before bed, apply olive oil on face
  • Gently massage your face for 5 minutes
  • Rinse face with warm water
  • To the maximum, you should do every day until the acne scars disappear

how to remove acne scars with grated corn

You do not ever hear people complain clay ato 'Ah, I've tried all ways to hilangin acne scars but not a successful' or 'All this is a lie ...'
I was surprised because there are people who succeed by trying a certain way, but why there are others who do not work out at all?

From my interviews with several medical specialists kencantikan, apparently regardless of any way that we choose to remove acne scars, you need consistency! The point?

Look, what you might be able to remove acne scars consistent if you're not taking care of your face? Examples ya, the first week of diligent really ngurusin face, the second week began perforated, perforated, the third week already do not wrote. What could succeed if gini? No way lah!

Similarly, if you go to a beauty clinic, take care as microdermabrasion. This treatment is known to be very powerful for your face shine again. But once you just take care, be cured? Nope!
Ya really bother to look beautiful? Yup! Indeed there is a 'price' to be paid to look pretty, so not many people who face shiny.

The good news is the choice is up to you! If you are diligent enough, the reward is a smooth face or if you do not want to bother ya ya face you will remain full of acne scars.

here's how to remove acne scars with grated corn

Corn contains Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that is needed by the skin to maintain moisture in skin elasticity and prevent premature aging. In addition, there is Vitamin C, which helps build connective tissue and prevent scarring (wrinkles) on the skin.

How to use:Clean the faceSelect young corn and fresh, clean, and scar until smoothApply grated on faceWait 15-20 minutesRinse your face with clean waterDo it 2-3 times a week