Use Different Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Cyst

Cysts are characterized by the presence of pus inside them.
Cyst is a severe form of acne. Cysts are hard bumps underneath the skin. They are found in people irrespective of their sex and age. Acne cysts are not true cysts in the sense that they are not abnormal dilations of skin structure, but rather nodules of inflammation. Although not uncommon, it is rarer than other types of acne. Cystic acne can affect the face, chest, back, shoulders and, occasionally, upper arms.

When someone is suffering from the painful effects of cystic acne, she will typically want to get rid of it as soon as possible. So, to help you out, we have some home remedies for pimples.
1. Dermatologists prescribe antibiotics to reduce the inflammation. Antibiotics are also effective in dealing with the bacteria which is partly responsible for the occurrence of the acne cysts.
2. Eat as close to a natural foods diet as possible avoiding chemicals and preservatives and additives as much as you can. Never drink chlorine always drink lots and lots of filtered, distilled or spring waters. Always use a Laundry detergent that is free of perfumes and dyes.
3. take fresh garlic cloves and after crushing them, apply on your face. Or you can also eat one or two cloves daily in the morning for long-term benefits.
4. Take equal amounts of lemon extract and rose water and apply it over your face for say half an hour. Wash your face with fresh water or warm water and see the results in fifteen days.
5. You can use retinol, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid to fight cysts. These medications can heal the cysts effectively. This is one of the best natural acne treatment.
To deal effectively with acne cyst, there are some precautions to be observed. One should never squeeze it. This leads to further infection. Don't forget to exercise and reduce stress.