The Facts About Baby Acne

Most parents are quite shocked to discover their precious newborn's face covered with acne. But don't be alarmed! Baby acne affects almost 1 out of every 5 newborns, a solid 20%. Naturally, parents are concerned both about how these bumps look and about their significance. Luckily, baby acne is fleeting, and nearly always goes away quickly and without treatment.

During the last stage of pregnancy, the mother's hormones crossed the placenta into the baby. These hormones are necessary and beneficial to matters such as maturing the baby's lungs, among others things. After delivery, a lingering effect of these hormones can cause the overstimulation of the baby's sebaceous glands, setting the stage for baby acne.

Baby acne looks like a rough, red rash on infant's cheeks and nose, although it can appear anywhere on the face and back. It tends to appear within the first month or so after birth, although it can occur earlier or later. Some babies even make their appearance on their "birth" day with an already established case of acne. 
It also tends to occur at about the same age as the baby's peak gas production and fussiness. When the baby is fussing or crying, there is increased blood flow to the face, and the acne will look worse. How lovely! Of course, all of this coincides with Mommy and Daddy's chronic sleep deprivation, too.

There is really no need to treat it. It doesn't harm your baby and is purely a cosmetic issue. Gently wash your baby's face with plain water once or twice per day, and don't scrub. You may also try a mild baby soap. Be advised that cleaning that is too vigorous or frequent may irritate your baby's skin.

In very severe cases, baby acne is treated with topical acne medications. This happens very rarely and only if there is a compelling reason to do so under the recommendation of your child's doctor. Acne medications are hard on infants' tender skin.

Rest assured, nearly all cases of baby acne resolve without treatment in just a few weeks time. So just enjoy your new baby, and the rash will soon be a memory. The oil glands will disappear, and you won't see the acne again until you turn around once, and (in a flash) your baby is suddenly a teenager! This time, it will be their own hormones kicking into play, turning them into young ladies and gentlemen.

If you or someone you love has OTHER forms of acne, such as cystic acne, hormonal acne, chin strap acne, or body acne, I strongly encourage you to visit to learn about the best acne treatments available on the market today. Studies show that natural treatments for acne have the HIGHEST success rate and provide a firm foundation to control acne triggers over much longer periods of time, versus typical topical or spot treatment medications.