Different Treatments For Different Types of Acne

Acne is a terrible skin condition that can affect individuals no matter what age they have. Adolescent acne is activated by the enhancement of hormones; adult pimples may be a sign of a deeper bacterial problem. During hormonal imbalances, a bigger amount of sebum is released by sebaceous glands. The excess of sebum combines with dead skin cells, dirt and dust, creating a breeding environment for bacteria. Acne appears [http://acne-home-treatment.com]after the bacteria develop in the hair follicle. This bacterium that normally lives on our skin, but when it meets the moisturized environment that the excess of sebum creates, it flourishes.
Most dermatologists analyze your skin and your type of acne before indicating you what acne treatment is best for you. Removing acne is a hard and long process, healing acne without any mark can take even several years, depending on the stage of acne you suffer from.
If you suffer from mild type of acne a typical treatment that skin doctors prescript is topical treatment. Also home made acne treatments are appropriate if you suffer from mild acne, because they can be very effective. If you suffer from a severe stage of acne, an internal treatment is recommended along with a topical treatment. Topical treatment usually does not remove acne bacteria. Most topical treatments must be applied on a testing skin area before applying them on the face, for example. In the mild stage of acne, bacteria are present but there is not a critical stage of presence. In moderate to severe acne stage, killing bacteria is crucial, that is why antibiotic internal treatment is required.
Skin doctors may apply some draining techniques if traditional methods of treating acne fail. Some bacteria are resistant to oral antibiotic drugs and that is why some substitutes must exist. If side effects appear during an internal acne treatment, you must urgently address to your dermatologist. You must answer correctly to all the questions a dermatologist asks, in order to obtain a proper acne treatment.
Several treatments like facial acne treatments use some techniques that open pores and the infected material is pulled out. First some steam techniques must be applied. After pores open, toxins are removed and the remaining wax-like substance is pulled out through massage.
Surgical incision is also applied sometimes, especially on severe cysts, because the pores are clogged and unable to open properly in order to be cleaned.
If you suffer from acne it is essential to ask for a dermatologist's help. Good dermatologists always will advice you to take the most proper acne treatment.
Some other way to struggle acne is to inject corticosteroids into the cyst to melt it. This procedure is applied in severe cases of acne and only dermatologists can execute it.
There are also many acne treatments that use natural ingredients, and if you choose these products you have big chance to treat acne effectively. Many of these natural ingredients can be implemented in several home made acne treatments, like masks, cleansers or other stuff.
Most important thing and first step to do in treating acne is asking for a dermatologist's advise in what type of acne treatment is best for you.