Acne Conglobata: A Very Serious Type Of Acne Caused Due To Cysts

Acne Conglobata is a very serious type of acne. It can be painful due to the cysts that are created. There are nodules that fill up with pus, and they can very easily become infected. They can also result in drainage taking place through the sinus tract. While females can develop this form of acne, it is almost always something that males are affected by. The typical age group is from 18 to 30.
Acne Conglobata is very difficult to clear up on your own. It can be the result of another type of acne that gets out of control. The experts still don't have all the answers about what has really caused this particular type of acne. What they do believe though is that it has a connection to Testosterone. That is a male hormone.
Males that use anabolic steroids for athletic situations or that have them prescribed for some type of health concern may have too much testosterone in their bodies. This can be linked to Acne Conglobata. However, there are numerous other changes to the body too that could be responsible for it.
For example, Testosterone therapy that may be necessary to regulate the body due to it not producing enough. Patients with Leukemia or that have had tumors any have too many Androgens in their body. This will upset the natural balance of Testosterone. The face is the area of the body that is typically affected. However, Acne Conglobata can be found on the back, chest, and shoulders too.
When someone experiences this type of acne, they will have very large cysts or nodules with fluid in them. They continue to get larger and larger until they break open. Once the fluid drains out, they will once again begin to grow. When the fluid is coming out, there is a very high risk of an infection due to harmful bacteria.
Such lesions can be lingering, and they can also cause a great deal of scaring. Isotretinoin is a type of medication that is often given for those with Acne Conglobata. When the outbreaks are quite severe, the patient may need to take Prednisone as well. Should these medications not work, Dapson may be the next option. However, it is a very harsh medication due to the side effects. Most professionals won't prescribe it for acne unless all other alternatives have failed.
In order to help fight the levels of harmful bacteria, many patients with Acne Conglobata also take antibiotics. The two most common ones prescribed are Tetracycline and Erythromycin. For patients with a great deal of scarring, the use of a procedure called laser therapy may be able to lessen the visibility of them.
It can be very difficult to tackle Acne Conglobata, and that is frustrating for many people with it. Their self esteem can be affected and many patients also suffer from depression. Due to the risk of an increased thought of suicide, patients have to be carefully watched and given plenty of support as they struggle to control this type of acne.