how to prevent acne

The ways to achieve acne prevention may seem rather complicated at first, but they will, with time and perseverance, provide satisfying results. In simple, uncomplicated cases of acne, steps involving only topical medication will help to lessen its effect. At the start of puberty, the body goes through hormonal changes that can be controlled by various medications. The over-production of hormones is a trigger for more oil to be produced in the oil glands, which can result in acne.
The environment plays a huge role in the production of acne. Everyday stresses, and the atmosphere you expose your skin to, will be a large factor. Dirt and grime from traffic or workplaces can transfer onto the skin, thus clogging your pores and creating a breeding ground for acne. Thus, the first way in which acne prevention can be achieved is by cleaning the skin regularly. Keeping the skin clean helps to create a healthy epidermis and stops the outbreak of acne by clearing the pores of oil and grime. On the other hand, over-washing can cause the production of excess oil in the glands, in turn causing more skin problems to develop.
Secondly, sleeping at least eight hours is recommended for your skin's health. A well-rested body can help fight bacteria that are developing on the skin. Sleep can help to combat any environmental stresses placed on the skin as well. On a more general note, maintaining a regular schedule is beneficial for all aspects of a healthier body.
Perhaps the most important element in acne prevention, after keeping your skin clean, is a balanced, but supplemented diet. Daily consumption of vitamins contributes to providing a nutrient-enriched base to build healthy cells for glowing skin. Vitamin A, for example, is found in fish, liver, in yellow, orange and green vegetables and in dairy products, and provides the body with Beta-carotene, which helps the skin to heal and dry up the damage caused by acne. Taking a prescribed antibiotic called Retin-A, containing Vitamin A, causes a slight skin-peeling effect to slough off dead skin cells and to encourage a healthy layer of skin to form. Taking Vitamin B-2 can also help to relieve stress, thus promoting fewer components that contribute to acne-prone skin. Zinc has been proven to boost the immune system to improve overall health. Finally, antioxidants in the vitamin E contained in almonds, broccoli and wheat germ will help to fight off free radicals, which can in turn damage the body's metabolism, ensuring the best possible outcome for clearer skin.
With so many factors playing into the task of clear and healthy skin, it may seem overwhelming to keep the skin clean and clear. With a little effort and good overall health practices, acne can be managed in mild to moderately severe cases. As acne is felt to be a rite of passage through puberty into adulthood, many people fail to understand that it can also cause additional social embarrassment and unneeded stresses. Following some proven practices for reducing the complications of acne may help to lessen the effects of a largely controllable situation. Acne prevention does require constant attention but is well worth the effort, no matter what your age.