Effects About Baby Acne

It is also known as acne neonatorum and generally it affects approximately 1 out of 5 babies. Actually, baby acne is a complexion problem and mostly affects chin, nose, forehead and cheeks. The best treatment of this problem is to leave it alone. Though, some new parents can turn stressful, because of acne on a newborn's face. Babies suffering from acne about 4 months after the birth and vanishes off soon. There is no such relation that once baby is diagnosed. It will experience acne in teenage life.
This is a common problem in toddlers, but the appearance of acne can be frightening for the new parents. It is important to acknowledge that a child is not born with acne and may take few more weeks to develop completely. In case baby's complexion looks very different from other babies of the same age group then take that child to the pediatrician.
Due to sebaceous glands that try to clear all the remaining maternal hormones that are passed from the placenta. Baby acne is actually because of clogged pores and do not imply that a baby is predisposed to acne or after attaining maturity baby will again suffer acne problem. In reality, babies who suffer from acne will look identical to the babies who have not suffered from this problem.
Acne bumps on babies are in red color and raise similar to the normal size of an adult pimple. In case a baby has small bumps identical to goosebumps on face, then this condition is milia. This condition is not at all related to acne problem and will cure in a few weeks. Some parents may overreact by seeing red bumps on the skin and take to the doctor for prescription of medication. Pills and lotion are not important at this age because oil glands need to accomplish their job. No mediation works best to clear the bumps from baby's skin as compared to prescription drugs being unsafe.
If you notice some red marks on the face, then do not pre-assume it as acne and ignore it. Remember that red splotches or marks on the body may refer to allergic reaction and if unsure then consult a doctor. If a doctor prescribes any pills or lotion, then complete that first course and then discontinue after doctor's recommendation.
Some easy to follow instructions:
- Gently wash baby's face, once a day with warm water and mild soap. In the market, there are several baby cleansers that contain natural ingredients to prevent acne and relieve from infection.
- Apply moisturizer to prevent dryness and irritation. Babies may tend to scratch and rub skin to relieve itchiness. Use a soft towel or cotton balls to avoid touching of infected areas.
- Cover or swaddle your baby in cotton cloth, but not in synthetic material to reduce skin irritation. Also, wash baby clothes in mild detergents and prevent harsh chemicals that may cause more breakouts.
- Allow baby acne to heal on its own because topical ointments can worsen the situation. Keep focus on cleaning the baby skin from drools and spits up. In case the problem is prolonged then consult a doctor.