Types of Acne You Should Know

Acne is the most common of all skin disorders. And have some type of acne. It is about eighty percent of all people between the ages of twelve and twenty four suffer from some type of acne. This is a problem of oil glands in the skin. In contrast to the conception of some conservatives, it is a problem experienced by adolescents is not absolute. Some people are overwhelmed throughout their lives with endless outbreaks of acne.
There are different types of acne. The most common type is known as Acne Vulgaris Acne Simplex, too. Another type of acne vulgaris, except that COSMETICA, Excriee, Cystic Acne and Work.
However, there are many types of acne. Information in relation to the five types mentioned above:
Acne vulgaris: A type of acne is a chronic condition in which fluid inflammatory Surplus formed by over-active oil and sweat glands. Hair follicles become congested with fluid is surplus that can not afford to flee. Trapped sebum and bacteria can cause inflammation in and around the hair follicles. This type of acne usually begins at puberty and came out especially in the face as acne, cysts and blackheads.
COSMETIC ACNE: it is caused by topical make-up. Characterized by lumps of small pink, cosmetic acne usually rather mild, with little chance of scarring. The use of cosmetics protracted, especially those that include materials for isopropyl myristate and greasy lanolin for example, may be responsible for this type of acne. It has been suggested that about 25% of women have this kind of acne, the majority of which contains a history of heavy make-up used. Management is not complicated. Find out which cosmetics lead to acne and apply it to end.
ACNE EXCORIEE: This is one type of acne that is usually found in young girls, begins in adolescence. She might find the acne and start scratching at it cruel. Injured skin by fingernails and unable to treat due to constant scratching, which leave scars, shallow area. This is not to be confused with the practice of conscious nerve. In this situation, the lesions of acne on your face at least was exacerbated by neurotic pressing and squeezing the acne, try to delete the contents with your fingers. As a result, hyperpigmentation and stellate scars limited progress, while often the original underlying acne has healed.
Cystic Acne: One of the most vicious type of acne, occurs when the infected contents of acne or pimple erupts beneath the skin, not on the surface. Body's natural protection after trying to fight the infection, causing swelling and pain. Cystic acne is often cause facial scarring. This type of acne usually involves, back upper arms, shoulders and neck. Cystic acne often comes about in men and usually devoted more than 20 years and can cause scarring that lasts. This type of acne can be treated by medical specialists and need recommendations. In some situations it may be somewhat painful and can affect feelings in healthier patients.
ACNE WORK: This is one type of acne that usually shape as the effect of touch with mineral oil or petroleum. This type of acne is a common condition which is owned by a mechanical motor that is often found for oils and fats. Oil disturb hair follicles causing blackheads to form deep in the skin and difficult to treat. Get in touch with the oil should be reduced or eliminated.