how to get rid of acne with betel leaf

Ingredients and benefits of betel leaf Betel leaves have properties and benefits that can be used for facial acne sebagaiobat. Leaves which has another name 'Kinang' is, in fact contain many useful substances to get rid of pimples that appear on the face. What are the useful substances 

Eugenol substances that act as antifungal so as to inhibit the development of stem cells that cause acne. 

Efficacious antiseptics to kill bacteria that cause acne. Antiseptic contained in betel leaves 5 ​​times more effective than ordinary phenol. 

Antibacterial agents useful for preventing acne growth by interfering with the metabolism of harmful microbes. 

Treating acne naturally with the traditional ingredients of betel leaf has been mostly done by women and men of antiquity. Besides easy to make, the materials needed are also easily obtained. 

Needed materials: 

10 pieces of betel leaf 

1 cup warm water 
Fine salt to taste 

How to Eliminate Acne Using Betel leaf? 

After preparing the above three ingredients, then make potions acne in an easy way. 

Betel leaf mashed until smooth then mix 1 cup of warm water. 

Once the water is green and smells betel leaf is then filtered 
Filtered water was then mixed with fine salt and then stir until well blended 

Wash your face with water concoction that you just made, wait for 1-2 hours then wash face with clean water.

acne clothing: Folliculitis - Cure Your Folliculitis

Hereditary forms of folliculitis, such as follicular eczema (generally classified under "atopic dermatitis"), and the deeper forms of inflammatory folliculitis that involve the entire follicular structure, such as folliculitis decalvans, occur most commonly in blacks. Folliculitis may also be seen as a secondary infection inconditions such as eczema, scabies, and excoriated insect bites. It is more commonly found in patients who are diabetic, obese, or immunocompromised.

Coagulates-positive Staphylococcus aureus is the responsible pathogenic bacterium in most cases of infectious folliculitis. Folliculitis may evolve into afuruncle (boil), which is a deep infection; a carbuncle refers to an aggregation of furuncles. The discussion in this article will be limited to the superficial forms of folliculitis.


A pustule or papule with a central hair is the primary lesion in folliculitis. Secondary lesions evolve from ruptured pustules and may consist of erosions, crusts, and darkly pigmented macules. The central hair shaft may not always be visible. Follicular lesions tend to exist in a gridlike pattern on hair-bearing areas of the body.


Patients with conditions that reduce host resistance, such as diabetes or human immunodeficiency virusinfection, are more likely to develop an infectious bacterial, viral, or fungal folliculitis. Folliculitis is more common in carriers of aureus, particularly nasal carriers. Infectious and inflammatory folliculitis may be seen in areas of skin subjected to:
-Repeated trauma (such as waxing, plucking, and shaving).
- Restrictive clothing, such as tight jeans.
- Excessive sweating.
Folliculitis is more commonly seen in the obese. Inflammatory folliculitis (follicular eczema) with episodicbacterial superinfection is more likely to occur in patients with atopic dermatitis.


S aureus folliculitis is the most common type. It may occur in crops of pustules and/or papules on the scalp, thighs, legs, axillae, and inguinal areas. Folliculitis involving an eyelash is called a hordeolum, or sty. Similarly, folliculitis may affect a single nasal hair follicle and produce a tender erythematous papule or pustule within the nasal mucosa or near the tip of the nose.


Folliculitis is not always caused by S aureus. Other forms of folliculitis may be caused by organisms acquired in hot tubs or by irritation, friction, chemicals, steroids, or fungi. In addition, therapeutically recalcitrant folliculidities, such as the herpes simplex infections or eosinophilic pustular folliculitis, may be seen inpatients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
HOT TUB FOLLICULITIS Pseudomonas folliculitis, which may be acquired from communal hot tubs, is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Although they have increased the incidence of folliculitis, hot tubs are often overlooked as a cause. Jacuzzis, therapeutic whirlpools ("whirlpool folliculitis"), public swimming pools, and the use of loofah sponges may also be a source of Pseudomonas infection. Pseudomonas folliculitis has recently been found to occur under diving suits and after wax depilation. Lesions of hot tub folliculitis consist of intensely pruritic or tender follicular papules and/or pustules that are most often found on the trunk (the area covered by a bathing suit). They occur one to three days after bathing in a hot tub, whirlpool, or public swimming pool.

Nonbacterial, or sterile, folliculitis can arise from physical or chemical irritation. Such irritants include leg waxing, leg shaving, axillary shaving, and hair plucking. Chemical depilatories, electrolysis, occlusive dressings, and excessive sweating can also contribute to this problem, as can wear tight jeans. Nonbacterial folliculitis may also be related to working conditions, such as the use of greases or oils, and to the application of various cosmetics. Bacteria, such as S aureus, are not infrequent secondary invaders
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acne clothing: Just About Anyone Can Hypnotize Themselves

always been interested in hypnosis but don't have enough money to pay for a professional hypnotist, self hypnosis is definitely an option. Anybody can figure out how to put themselves into a state of hypnosis if they do some exercise and devote their time toward it.

Many individuals are better off with hypnosis (self imposed or done by another). The fact being, some people have problems that they have buried so far inside their minds that they have a lot of trouble dealing with the issues. Hypnosis can help with that. There have been indicators that hypnosis is a valid form of therapy, throughout the past few decades. Below is some information that can aid you in figuring out how to becomemore proficient at putting yourself into a hypnotic state.

One of the secrets many people ignore when it comes to hypnosis is making sure to be in loose fitting clothing. Because you are hypnotizing yourself, you don't have to worry about dressing up, impressing anyone or even being presentable to someone outside of your private space. The truth is that you have the option to wear whatever articles of clothing you wish to, when you are putting yourself into hypnosis.

You will have an easier time of this if you wear comfortable clothing. The more gratified that you feel, the simpler time you will have at self hypnotism. In actuality, if you feel totally at ease in the nude, then that's also totally acceptable. Whatever helps you feel at ease and unwound is what is the most excellent for you.

Try to get the temperature of the room you are in to be at a cozy level. You want a room that has a bit of coolness in it, but you also don't want it so cold that you begin to shiver.

Without a doubt, if you are more comfortable in a warmer room, make sure to making the temperature setting a bit warmer. Of course, you don't want to place the temperature setting too high, to where it makes you starting sweating and feeling discomfort. Investigations have provided signs that a cooler room makes is simpler for you to catch your sleep and this is why experienced hypnotists opt for a cooler room. All the same, the purpose is for you to be as much at each and comfortable as you can be.

Work on deep breathing. Not everybody understands the proper way to breathe deeply. Instead of filling your lungs up with air, the correct way to breath is to fill up your diaphragm. You diaphragm is like a compartment for air that is located below your lungs. When you ponder about "filling up from the bottom" it is truly the act of fulfilling your diaphragm. When you breathe deeply, your chest does not need to expand. Center your attention on filling your body up with air at a paced method, from the bottom up. Then work on exhaling in the "opposite direction."

Vocal and musical artists put this same kind of breathing method into action.

Self Hypnosis is not meant to be hard. Very rewarding are the benefits of self hypnosis in dealing with underlying issues. Alot of psychiatric professionals are advocating the use of hypnosis in working with deep seated problems. We hope these tips have helped you grasp what you are trying to do

acne clothing: Banish Bacne - A Holistic Program Will Eliminate Back Acne Forever

short for 'back acne'. It can be an embarrassing ailment because the skin on your back covers such a large area. A cure for this problem is now available. The holistic approach has an excellent record for getting rid of bad acne and will make your skin smooth and even-toned. 

Bacne flares up when hyperactive sebaceous glands start manufacturing excess oil. The excess oil combines with dead skin cells to block hair follicles. The blocked pores provide an ideal environment for acne-causing bacteria. They become infected and progress to some form of acne such as blackheads or, in more serious cases, cysts and nodules. Bacteria are always present in the hair follicles but are never really a problem until blocked pores give them a place to breed. 

The back is especially prone to acne because it has a greater concentration of sebaceous glands compared to other parts of the body. The skin on your back is also thicker and tougher, and so the glands tend to be bigger and manufacture more oil. This means that back acne is generally more severe than acne on your face or neck and more often consists of nodules and cysts.

Many sufferers try to eliminate bacne by controlling their perspiration. Others waste money on pricey over-the-counters that cleanse the skin. Such treatments are largely ineffective. They may reduce the severity of the problem but are not a long-term solution because they target the symptoms of acne (e.g. the pimples on your skin) instead of its causes.

The sebaceous glands of acne sufferers have a genetic tendency to produce excess oil if there is a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal shifts occur naturally with life cycle changes such as puberty, but they may also have triggers. Examples of common triggers include: a build up of toxins in the blood and lymph, stress brought on by worry or a lack of sleep, allergies to drugs or chemicals in some foods, and the presence of certain types of bacteria in the body.

If you seriously want to get rid of bacne, then you must choose a treatment that neutralises all your acne triggers. You need a treatment that:

1. Restores and maintains your body's natural chemical balance

2. Eliminates bacne fast and permanently

3. Is effective against all types of skin acne, including severe forms such as cysts

4. Follows a methodical, well-organised format and is easy to incorporate in your current lifestyle

5. Is easily customised into a strategy that satisfies your body's unique requirements

6. Will provide you with ongoing advice and support from knowledgeable health specialists

7. Will make you look and feel better, and give back your self-esteem and confidence

The holistic approach is a safe, natural alternative with a proven record for getting rid of severe acne on all parts of the body. It doesn't require high-priced drugs or creams; it's easy to use and works quickly. Above all, the holistic approach can be customised to meet your body's specific needs and neutralise all the triggers that bring on intractable bacne. It is the favoured choice for thousands of people, and will set you along the road to a future free of bacne

acne clothing: Finally Get Rid of Embarrassing Body Acne

When most people think of acne, they think about the face. This is not always where breakouts occur. Acne can also affect the body. The shoulders, upper arms, chest, and neck can all be areas of acne concern.

Acne is a common problem, mainly among teenagers. It can strike anyone although your skin type can have a lot to do with both the breakout and the severity. Sometimes the foods we eat can trigger an acne attack. The most common form of acne that does not affect the face is called bacne. This is because it occurs on the back.

This type of acne can attack anyone including males, females, old, and young. However, it is more common in males. Usually it starts on the face and just keeps spreading until it reaches other areas of the body. This is not to say that it is contagious. It is triggered by certain factors and some people are more at risk than others.

Dead skin and oil is one of the main causes of acne on the body and face as well. This results in your pores becoming clogged with bacteria which causes pimples. This is because the back has more oil glands than anywhere else other than the face.

The myth that clothes can contribute to body acne is exactly that. They do not cause acne but they can aggravate an already existing condition. By wearing tight clothes when you are suffering from a breakout you can cause more problems. Wear lighter colored and looser clothing and you will be more comfortable. The light color will cut down on sweating as this is another irritant for acne.

One thing that you need to remember when you have an acne breakout is to try and keep your hands from touching it constantly. You need to wash your hands and try to keep them as clean as possible. Most people have a natural instinct to want to scratch or touch something that may be aggravating you. This opens the area up for more bacteria to enter. The possibility for infections dramatically increase which can easily cause more problems that you don't need.

Make sure that when you shower you do not scrub any areas of acne. This will only aggravate the situation. A gentle cleansing is far better for the area. Adding a warm bath with baking soda in the water can help provide relief if the area on your skin looks pretty bad. This is soothing and can provide relief from irritation for a time.

A certain lotion that's often used for body acne is Alpha Hydroxy which is an effective way to treat mild to severe acne conditions. It is usually available over the counter so check your local drugstore or pharmacy.

Peroxide is another type of treatment that many people have used. You need to remember that it will bleach fabric is it comes into contact with it, so wear light colors if you are going to try this treatment

acne clothing: Find out Easy methods to Remove Chest and Back Acne

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Chest acne and back acne are actual problems for acne sufferers out there. In many cases the media does not talk about body pimples treatment, instead, the media principally talks about face pimples and it's treatments. You also see a number of pimples merchandise catered for the face but typically you can find it onerous to discover a good body pimples product. . Body acne is a quite common type of pimples that impacts both grownup males and women. Don't worry when you've got back or chest pimples, you're actually not alone... and there is a remedy!. You might be unfortunate enough to see pimples in your neck or the back of your shoulders too. Fear not. This article will share some recommendations on how one can cure back and chestpimples fast. 

If you reside in a moist climate, chest acne might be relatively painful due to the heat. This will get worse the more you sweat as a result of it causes dirt to accumulate. To keep away from this you must immediately take a bathafter you do some heavy sweating. Once every week ornow and again you too can use a particular mud or clay mask on your body to suck out the filth .

Chest pimples is particularly uncomfortable and may hurt very a lot as well as look completely ugly. It's not as socially awkward as face pimples but it may be just as irritating so you may need to consult with a dermatologist on what to do, they will prescribe you treatment such as capsules or a cream that particularly targets the chest area. Instead of utilizing many pimplestreatments, attempt to see a dermatologist for your back pimples problem. It is a significantly better answer.

Do not use lotions and oils on your chest because they'll clog your pores. Try to maintain the pores clean and clear. Only use creams and oils if they are helpful for your acne treatment. Do not put on garments which might be too tight. Why? Because tight clothes tend to trap filth before and they're going to rub the dust into the pores of your back and chest. Clogged pores is usually attributable to tight clothing so avoid them!. A good tip is to put on cotton, free-fitting clothes because cotton clothing will let your pores and skin breathe easier and fade away the sweat.

Always wash your body with an acne body wash that has some benzoyl peroxide in it. If you are going outside and wearing a tank top or some other revealing clothing, use a great acne concealer to cover your spots. A concealer is a vital chest pimples treatment to cure and conceal your acne at the same time.

Always verify what is printed on the label about delicate skin or fragrance free when selecting fabric softeners or laundry detergents. Wash your garments correctly as well because any detergent left on your clothes can hurt your body and trigger acne.

If you need to remedy pimples naturally, you may attempt utilizing herbs as an alternative choice to regular cures. Herbs aren't harmful to the body in the long run and should even enhance your physical health so be happy to take them.

Try to remove the lifeless cells of your skin by utilizing liquid scrubs or mechanically by using glycolic acid orsalicylic acid.

The reason for acne is both external and internal. Topical drugs can only assist so much. Some recommend that chest or back pimples is the result of internal body imbalances. So when trying to cure pimples, use merchandise that work each internally and externally.

The most important tip to remedy your pimples is that you have to be conscious of the fact that you're the key to curing pimples solution. Be cautious of what you eat and just remember to clean your body often to make sure that it is freed from acne. This is a very important point in preventing body acne