Acne Skin Care

Keeping the skin clean is an important part of acne treatment. There are special acne skin care cleansers that are designed for acne-prone skin. These come in varieties suited to different skin types such as dry or oily. Before choosing a skin care product you must first determine the type of skin you have. Many people have combination skin. This means that you have some oily areas and some dry areas. Oily areas on the face are usually in the middle strip and forehead, commonly called the "T-zone" because it is shaped like the letter T.
Over-the-counter formulas usually contain ingredients to help control the amount of oil on the skin, to normalize the amount of skin cells that are shed and kill the bacteria associated with acne. These products often cure mild to moderate acne when used properly.
Antibacterial products - Antibacterial face soaps or skin washes are designed to kill bacteria on the skin surface. The most common ingredient in these formulas is Triclosan. This is the mildest ingredient and is helpful for mild acne or as a preventative measure.
Benzoyl peroxide - Products that contain benzoyl peroxide work by killing the bacteria that can cause acne to spread. It is most effective on pimples. This treatment comes in various strengths from 2.5% to 10% solution. For mild acne choose the lowest strength possible. The strongest solution should only be used on body acne as it is too harsh for delicate skin on the face. This product does not unplug clogged pores. When washing with the liquid work it into a lather and let it sit on the affected areas for a minute or two. Then rinse with warm water. Always pat dry the areas instead of rubbing vigorously.
Salicylic acid - This common ingredient works to loosen clogged pores and helps to prevent pimples from forming. It also helps to lower the amount of dead skin cells that are shed so that less loose cells are available to form a clog. It does not kill bacteria that can cause acne. It does not affect production of oil in the skin so once you stop using it acne may begin to appear again.
Tea Tree Oil - This is a popular natural cure for acne that is found in skin cleansers. It can help to kill bacteria on the skin, leading to a reduction in acne. It can be found in health food stores.
Sulfur - Sulfur is a natural antiseptic. It is often found in soaps that are designed to reduce acne. The antiseptic properties can prevent bacteria from growing. It can, however, be drying to the skin.
The best way to fight acne is with a regular skin care regime. No matter what product you use you will need to use it faithfully for a while. Most products take several weeks or longer to work with acne. You may find that some products cause skin irritation. This is because many of them contain harsh ingredients. Always opt for the acne skin cleanser that contains the least amount of active ingredient so that your skin will not become red or irritated. See a dermatologist if your acne does not improve or worsens.