Causes and Cure of Acne

Acne can appear on many parts of the body other than the face. Body acne can happen almost anywhere but is most common on the back, chest, shoulders, neck or buttocks. It is actually quite common and many people have reported getting some acne on their body at some time during their life. Body acne can be embarrassing and unsightly though and so most people just don't talk about it.
Causes of Body Acne

Although the exact cause of body acne is not known for certain there are several factors that are thought to contribute to a higher incidence of it. Perspiration may make certain areas more susceptible to acne because of the constant dampness. Wearing tight clothing, especially when perspiring such as when working out, can often contribute to body acne. Wearing tight clothing on your back or rubbing your back against a seat or backpack when hot can also cause acne.
Genetics may turn out to be one of the biggest factors in whether you will have body acne. If your parents or other family members suffered from body acne it is more likely that you will also develop the condition. Poor nutrition can also contribute to acne. Maintaining a balanced diet can help the body better fight off small infections so you should try to eat foods that are high in antioxidants such as dark green leafy vegetables and fruits such as cranberries and pomegranates.
Hormones are also thought to play a role in whether you get body acne. Women who have elevated levels of male hormones, which can happen during menopause, may be more susceptible to body acne.
Getting Rid Of Body Acne

Body acne can be treated differently than acne that is on the face. The skin on the body is much tougher than that on the face so more aggressive treatment can take place. Use a strong level topical treatment on the affected areas. Be sure to shower immediately after you work out to remove excess perspiration that may contribute to acne breakouts. Whenever you perspire you should wash the area or shower.
Use a cleanser that is designed specifically for acne prone skin. Continue to use it on the areas that are prone to acne even after an initial breakout has ended. After showering apply some topical cream or lotion such as benzoyl peroxide. This can cause clothes to bleach so be sure to let it soak in completely before getting dressed. Skin that is too dry can lead to an acne breakout. If you have very dry skin be sure to use a moisturizer. Get a moisturizer that is non-comedogenic to keep your risk of acne lower.
If you have more severe body acne or have had it for a long time you may want to see a dermatologist. He can prescribe stronger medication and recommend the right regime for your particular case. Body acne is prone to leave scars and so you may want to talk to a doctor about possible treatment options. Although the scars will fade in time there are procedures that can be done such as micro-pigmentation, scalpel excision and skin needling that can help reduce severe scarring.